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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rep. Brenner does not know from where funding will come

"To the extent the participating districts and libraries are not currently providing screening, intervention services, and assessments their costs will increase. They may also incur additional administrative costs related to the reporting requirements. Presumably, some part of these costs may be offset by the funding ODE identifies for the project."

The above from the LSC analysis -- presumably school districts are a:  rolling in the dough; and b:  not providing screening for autism and c:  this is a stupid piece of legislation.

But it's his first doncha know . . . and a boy never forgets his first.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Is the esteemed Rep. Brenner the Fiscal Watchdog he says he is?

We think not.

Read today's Dispatch story on possible criminal bid rigging here.

He had trouble while serving as Delaware County Recorder that continues to dog the county today.  Once again, when asked for public comment . . . as with public records . . . the fellow we pay to be responsive to us is unresponsive.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

While he's there someone can teach him to spell

According to his website, Rep. Brenner will be a "panalest" for the Central Ohio Education Budget Briefing

Pay to Get Out Andy's Message -- Or Pay To Settle Andy's Debt?

Our State Representative Andrew "Drew" Brenner just hates it when we copy things from his website.  He says to not do it without his permission - but heck - he wouldn't give his permission. So here's what he had to say this weekend:
"Thank you! The Family Clay Shoot was a huge success! 15-May-11 16:23 | Anonymous I want to extend a sincere thank you to the many who donated, helped with and attended today's Family Clay Shoot. It was a great success. I especially wish to thank Judy at Black Wing Shooting Center for all of the help she provided. Your donations and support are so important to make sure our message gets out.

If you could not attend today but wish to make a donation, please click the "Donate" link.

Again, thank you!"

And we thank you as well for helping to pay down his $17,000 campaign debt.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Andy feels safe at the Big Boy now

In the interest of full disclosure:  The Ohio Gun Collectors Association - $2,000 to Brenner Campaign.

Mr. Brenner is a card-carrying member and fundraiser for the Buckeye Firearms Association.  He has fulfilled his duty to the gun lobby for the year.

From State Representative Andrew Brenner:

State Representative Andrew O. Brenner (R-Powell) is proud to have supported 2nd amendment legislation that the Ohio House of Representatives passed on Wednesday, May 11.

The legislation allows for restoration of gun ownership rights under certain conditions, which would bring Ohio into compliance with a recent Supreme Court/AFTE ruling that states that to restore gun ownership rights for someone under firearm disability, there must be a complete restoration. House Bill 54 expands the categories of those who may apply for relief from a disability against acquiring, having, carrying or using any firearm so that any person who is prohibited from acquiring, having, carrying or using firearms may apply for relief.

House Bill 45 permits a concealed carry licensee to possess a firearm in any area-for which a D permit has been issued, if the licensee is not consuming liquor or under the influence of alcohol or a drug. This bill is important because current Ohio law prevents "licensees" (i.e. people who have shown they are responsible citizens) to protect themselves in many places that they go. Overly restrictive gun controls laws do little but disarm the law abiding citizens-never criminals. Disarmament of criminals is a completely different issue.

Brenner said, "my concern is allowing law-abiding citizens to defend themselves; not making them defenseless against criminals." He continued, "I campaigned on being a very strong defender of an American's God-given right to defend his or herself, family and community from violent criminals. The constitution is very clear that this right 'shall not be infringed,' and I am sworn to protect and defend the U.S. and Ohio Constitutions. I am also a sportsman myself. In that spirit, I have agreed to co-sponsorHouse Bill 45 and I support House Bill 54." House Bill 45 and 54 were introduced in January 2011 and will now move to the Ohio Senate for further consideration.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

"to his credit, Prosecutor Yost was creative"

The title is a direct quote from

When he was Delaware County Prosecutor, Dave Yost, now Auditor of State, served as a special prosecutor in Athens County.  For some inexplicable reason, the torch is now carried by a Delaware County Prosecutor's office employee, Kyle Rohrer.

Anyway, Gwinn has fought the case and the conviction and basically won her arguments before the Appellate Court.  Now, as the case is winding down, nobody knows what to do with it.

If Gwinn prevails, it could mean some interesting things for politicians like Delaware County's own Andrew Brenner, who reports "loans" of more than $17,000 on his campaign finance report.  See, as Delaware County Recorder, he made about $58K a year.  So how did he loan that much money into his campaign?  The things that make you go hmmmm.

If Gwinn is overturned, it encourages political money laundering.