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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Pay to Get Out Andy's Message -- Or Pay To Settle Andy's Debt?

Our State Representative Andrew "Drew" Brenner just hates it when we copy things from his website.  He says to not do it without his permission - but heck - he wouldn't give his permission. So here's what he had to say this weekend:
"Thank you! The Family Clay Shoot was a huge success! 15-May-11 16:23 | Anonymous I want to extend a sincere thank you to the many who donated, helped with and attended today's Family Clay Shoot. It was a great success. I especially wish to thank Judy at Black Wing Shooting Center for all of the help she provided. Your donations and support are so important to make sure our message gets out.

If you could not attend today but wish to make a donation, please click the "Donate" link.

Again, thank you!"

And we thank you as well for helping to pay down his $17,000 campaign debt.